Biography of John R. Wolfe

Among the enterprising and successful young men of Nez Perces County who are making a good success because of ability and industry we are constrained to mention the subject of this article, who at the present time is conducting an assaying office in Lewiston, where he is doing a fine business. Mr. Wolfe was born in Brown County, Kansas, on December 2, 1869, being the son of John C. and Cintha (Doughty) Wolfe. The father is a grocery man in Moscow, was born in Illinois in 1848, came to Washington in 1875 and to Idaho in 1876 and is now councilman of Moscow.

He enlisted in the Union army when a boy and his parents took him out, after which he returned and reenlisted. The mother of our subject was born in Ohio in 1849 and is living in Moscow, while her mother is still living in Illinois. Our subject remained with his parents until of age. He attended public school and worked on the farm and finally took a course in the University at Moscow, finishing with a Special course in mineralogy. He then opened an office for assaying for two years in Moscow, after which he repaired to Florence and did business there for a time and at the time of the Buffalo Hump excitement he went thither and opened an office for assaying, mining engineering and surveying, doing also a contracting business. Later we find him in Stuart on the Clearwater, running an assay office. Then he took a position with the Lolo Pioneer Mining Company in the Pierce City district and stayed with them until 1901. Then he went to Moscow and erected the White Cross Mills, after which he came to Lewiston and opened an assaying office, where he is doing a good business.

The marriage of Mr. Wolfe and Miss Lunia, daughter of J. R. and Sarah Fariss, of Latah County, was solemnized in Moscow on January 20, 1891, and to them has been born one child, Robert W., born August 18, 1902. Mr. Fariss is a farmer and a native of Virginia and in addition to Mrs. Wolfe, who was born in Stanberry, Missouri, on June 24, 1870, he had other children as follows, George, at Pueblo, Colorado; Delmer, in Idaho; Cinthia and Effie, in Moscow. Mr. Wolfe has two sisters, Neva, wife of L. J. Lindley, in Pullman; Ada, at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe are members of the Christian Church and are hearty supporters of their faith. He is a Republican as have been his people for some time.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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