It is quite in accord with his life and meritorious actions, when we mention that Mr. Inghram is a public spirited man, an advocate of good schools and government and has done his share in producing these worthy ends, while bis ability and industry have given him the meed of recompense in a good holding of a fine farm and plenty of stock and other property.
John F. was born in Aroostook County, Maine, on July 1, 1863, being the son of Robert and Eliza (Small) Inghram. The father was a lumberman, born in Ludlow, Maine, on December 16. 1838, and died in Lewiston. Nez Perce County, on April 26, 1891. The mother was born in the same place in 1843 and is still living in this County. Our subject worked at home and attended school, remaining with the family until of age. His father had taken several trips to the Pacific coast and finally in 1880, he brought his family to Walla Walla and two years later thence to Lewiston. He was foreman of a flume company in Walla Walla, and in this country he took land and engaged in farming and raising stock until the time of his death. He bad achieved a good success and died beloved by all who knew him.
Our subject began doing for himself when he reached his majority. He bought a farm in 1887, and two years later sold’ it and removed to Lewiston, taking up the dairy business, making a success in this venture. He again bought a farm and later sold it. Upon his father’s death, he managed the business of the estate. During this time he purchased his present farm, which his father had contracted for. It is situated nine miles southeast from Lewiston, and consists of three hundred and twenty acres of grain land. He raises wheat and barley, handles stock, raises hogs and breeds fine draft animals. He has some excellent specimens of registered draft horses and is a skillful hand with this stock. He then removed to Mrs. English’s farm and lived there three years, settling the business left by her husband on his death. From there be moved to his present place and has made it his home since that time.
On May 15, 1886, in Nez Perces County, Mr. Inghram married Miss Orpha L., daughter of Josiah and Ruth A. (Bony) English. The father was a farmer and a prominent man in the County, being County assessor and active in political matters. The mother is a native of New York. Mrs. Ingham was born in Illinois, in 1868 and on April 10, 1899, she was called from her happy home and family by death. She left the following children, Ira Reed, Lelia, May, Clarence and Orpha Gertrude. Mr. Inghram has the following named brothers and sisters: Robert, residing near Lewiston, this state; Elphreta, wife of A. Smith, in this County; David B., in the implement business in Lewiston.
Mr. Inghram is a member of the W. of W., at Lewiston. He is a Republican in political matters and always active in the support of good men, although he never solicits its personal preferment.
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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903