Biography of James R. Scott

A reliable and enterprising stockman and farmer, personally a man of integrity and worth of character, the subject of this article is one of those who deserve representation in this history and we accord him such with pleasure.

James R. Scott was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, on March 11, 1873, being the son of Isaac and Man A. (Shaffer) Scott. When James was six, the family removed to Sullivan County, Missouri, and farmed and raised stock. Four years later they went to the Rogue River country in Oregon and there followed the same occupation for six years. The next move was to the vicinity of Palouse, where they settled in Latah County. In these various places, our subject was educated in the public schools and learned well to meet the questions of life.

For five years he was in the employ of Washington Wolheter, in Latah County, and owned a half interest in a second hand and new goods store in Palouse. In 1901 he came to the reservation portion of Nez Perces County and rented a section of land three miles east from Melrose. He is associated with his brother in this labor and together they are doing a fine work. They have paid considerable attention to raising stock, heretofore, but at this present writing they are devoting their energies mostly to producing the cereals and large crops of flax. Mr. Scott has the following named brothers and sis ters: Joseph, Charles, John W., Maggie, Susie, Nora, Alonzo, Clyde, Maude, Ida and Jesse. Fraternally Mr. Scott is affiliated with the W. W. and the auxiliary circle of the same order, while in political matters he is liberal, reserving for his own decision the questions of the day, regardless of the tenets of different parties. He is a reliable young man of energy and push and his characteristic wisdom with this combination assures him unbounded success in his labors.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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