Biography of James L. Hobart

Among the young and enterprising agriculturists of the reservation is to be classed the subject of this sketch and the industry, thrift, uprightness and good achievements of Mr. Hobart are evidence of his worth and integrity.

James L. Hobart was born in Buchanan County, Iowa, on Alay 20, 1870, being the son of Charles and Lavina (Lenington) Hobart. The father enlisted in the Ninth Iowa Infantry and served for over four years in the cause of his country. He was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg and participated in the march to the sea and many other great conflicts and arduous undertakings. He was honorably discharged and is now a member of the G. A. R. at Moscow, where he and his wife reside. When James was eight the family removed to northern Iowa and thence to Graham County, Kansas. In the fall of 1881, they all come to the vicinity of Moscow and there James remained on his father’s farm until he was married.

That happy event took place on September 7, 1890, and the lady of his choice was Mrs. Elizabeth (Crumpacker) Decker, the daughter of Henry and Rachel (Frazier) Crumpacker. Her parents crossed the plains with ox teams in 1864 from Missouri to Boise; in 1865 they came to the Walla Walla valley, settling on Dry creek. They were among the first settlers there and when the reservation opened they came thither. Here Mrs. Crumpacker died in 1896 and the bereaved father is now making his home with the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Hobart’s first husband only lived fourteen months after his marriage. One child was born to them, Faye Decker. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hobart, Winnie A., Beatrice, deceased, Doyle D., Naomi R. Mr. Hobart was here at the time of the rush in the fall of 1895 and was fortunate in securing a good place. He has it all fenced and under tribute of cultivation and is making one of the good and valuable farms of the country. He came with four horses, one cow and one wagon. All his holdings now have been gained since that time. Mr. Hobart is a member of the W. of W. and is in good standing in the community.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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