Biography of James F. Willows

One of our capable and enterprising farmers is named at the head of this article, and he is also one of the substantial and patriotic citizens of Nez Perces County, being a man of marked uprightness and unswerving integrity and strength of character. James F. was born in Canada, on March 24, 1868, being the son of Thomas and Ellen (Farris) Willows, natives respectively of England and Canada, and now residing in Alberta, where they devote themselves to farming and stock raising.

When our subject was four years of age his parents removed to Saunders County, Nebraska, where he was educated, finishing his school days at the age of seventeen. In 1889 he came west to Gray’s harbor, Washington, and two years were spent in that section, when he came to Nez Perces County, renting six hundred acres of land on the reservation. He also bought a quarter section three miles south from Genesee, but he made his home on the reservation where his large farm was until the time of his marriage, which occurred on November 29, 1899, when Maud Ingle became his bride. Her parents, William A. and Malinda (Voding) Ingle, came west in 1885 and now live in this County.

To our subject and his estimable wife there has been born one child, Thomas W. Mr. Willows has two brothers, Harvey D., married to Annie Haley, living in Northwest Territory, and John R., married to Amy Yeoman and living in Alberta, and he also has one sister, Jennett M., married to C. M. Dodson and living in Alberta, Northwest Territory. In political matters, Mr. Willows allies himself with the Democratic Party and always takes an active interest in the local matters. He is also a member of the K. of P. Lodge, No. 5, of Genesee, and of the I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 36, of the same town. His wife is an adherent of the Methodist Church and they are among the leaders in the society of their community, being capable, and good people.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

1 thought on “Biography of James F. Willows”

  1. James F. Willows was my maternal grandfather. This information was very helpful as I only met him twice when I was a very little boy.


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