Biography of Jacob Schaefer

Germany has furnished to the United States many of her best citizens, and not a few have found their way to this western country, being a progressive and vigorous race. One worthy member of this pioneer band is named above and is deserving of consideration in the County where he has wrought with such assiduity and display of ability and thrift.

Our subject was born in Germany on November 27, 1867, being the son of John and Magdelena (Postel) Schaefer. The father farmed in Germany, being born in 1843, and now lives in Philadelphia. The mother was born in the Fatherland in 1850. Jacob was educated in the native country and wrought with his father in farm work and in the manufacture of wine until seventeen, and then learned the butcher trade. That occupied him until 1887, when he decided to come to America.

Landing in New York, he made his way to Carroll County, Missouri, worked there for ten months and then went to St. Louis, where he operated at his trade. Fourteen months later he was in Portland, Oregon, working at his trade, and five months later he opened in business for himself. He continued in business there until 1896, being very successful, but finally lost it all through complication and litigation with an unworthy partner. He then went to Quigley, Montana, and there worked for wages and in the fall of 1896 came to Lewiston and started anew, with a larger stock of experience. He has been successful here from the start and is now doing a good business, both in butchering and buying and selling cattle. He handles large quantities of stock. In addition to this business, Mr. Schaefer has twenty acres of irrigated land in vineland, which he is setting to grapes and he intends to start a winery in the near future, being assured that the conditions for the successful raising of grapes are as favorable in this place as on the Rhine in Germany.

On January 15, 1891, Mr. Schaefer married Miss Katie, daughter of John and Mary Young, natives of Germany, the father now deceased and the mother living in Vancouver, Washington. The wedding occurred in Vancouver, Washington, and two children have been the fruit of the union, John and Lonis. Mrs. Schaefer was born in Germany in 1872 and has the following brothers, Phillip, Andrew. Peter. Mr. Schaefer has brothers and sisters named below: Lonis, John, Elizabeth, Barbara, the first in Germany holding a good position as civil engineer for the government, while the others are at home.

Mr. Schaefer is a member of the M. W. A. His people, as well as himself, were in the German army for a term.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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