Biography of Jacob Blume

Mr. Blume is one of the leading men of Nez Perces County, being one of the heavy land owners and prominent farmers, having nearly ‘me thousand acres of land where he lives, four miles southwest from Genesee, which is fitted up into one of the finest rural homes in the County, being embellished with an elegant residence, good barns and orchards and all improvements that add comfort and value to an estate. He markets annually about ten thousand bushels of grain and produces much stock and fruit. Mr. Blume was born in Hanover, Germany, on September 25, 1831, being the son of John F. W. and Mary (Piatt) Blume, natives also of Germany, where they remained until the time of their death, being buried in the Kuhstedt cemetery, in Hanover province.

Our subject was educated in the college of his native place and at the age of fourteen years he quit school and went to work for the farmers: eleven years he persevered in this arduous undertaking and then bought a piece of land for himself, which lie tilled until 1882, when he sold all and came to America, locating first in Logan County, Illinois. He rented a farm there for six years and then determined to try the west and accordingly he came to Nez Perces County, Idaho, buying a farm one mile from Genesee, which, however, he sold about two years later. Then he bought three hundred and ten acres of land where he now lives, which was partly improved, and has also added land until his is a mammoth estate of nearly one thousand acres. In addition to the general farming and fruit raising he handles a great many horses and is one of the leading stockmen as well as farmers of the County.

In 1854. in Germany, occurred the marriage of Mr. Blume and Miss Anna, daughter of Henry and Mary (Meyer) Burfeind, natives also of Germany, where they remained until the day of their death, being buried in the cemetery at Hohenmoor. To Mr. and Mrs. Blume there have been born the following children: Henry, single, living in Jersey City, New Jersey; Alary, wife of Herman Moresheck and residing in this County: Frederick, married to Lizzie Oberfeild, and living in Jersey City, New Jersey; Margaret, wife of Clans Michiles and living in Logan County, Illinois: George, single and with parents. Our subject and his wife are members of the German Lutheran Church and now as the golden years of his well spent life draw on apace.

Mr. Blume is enjoying the fruits of his honest and arduous toil wherein he has also manifested great wisdom and has earned the rest and competence that are his to indulge.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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