Biography of Jacob Altmillar

Among the sturdy sons of the fatherland who have become stanch and patriotic citizens of the free land, we notice the subject of this article as one of the best of them and a man of sterling worth and integrity.

Jacob Altmillar was born in Germany in 1840, being the son of Joseph and Conna (Constantier) Altmillar, born in Germany in 1806 and 1811 and died there in 1896 and 1882, respectively. Jacob grew to manhood and received his education in his native place and wrought at the charcoal burner’s trade until he was twenty-six, when he used the capital he had accumulated to start in the mercantile business. He was a careful buyer and a good salesman and attended to the details of the business with such care and wisdom that he had a splendid trade and success in every wax crowned his endeavors.

In 1884 he desired to see the new world and accordingly sold his property and business and came to Juliaetta. He took land on American ridge, one mile from town, and went to producing the fruits of the field and raising stock. Eight years later we find him selling this property and another move was made. This time to the Potlatch country and there he bought school land. Five years covered the period of his labors in that place and Mr. Altmillar then came to his present place, three miles north from Melrose. He filed in 1898 and since that time has devoted himself to its improvement and culture. He has good buildings and the place shows the labors of a master hand in the art of agriculture. Eighty acres are under the plow and the balance of the property is devoted to pasture and wood lots. Fruit and stock, with general farm products, are the market dividends produced and Mr. Altmillar is one of the substantial men of the community.

While in Germany Mr. Altmillar married in 1866, Miss Tafara Constantia becoming his wife. Her parents were natives of Germany and she was born there in 1830. She has no brothers and sisters. Mr. Altmillar has two brothers and two sisters in Germany. Two children have been born to gladden the household: Constantia and Frank, both at home. Mr. Altmillar and family are members of the Catholic Church and are ardent supporters of that faith. He was a public official in Germany and has served as justice of the peace here for three years. Politically Mr. Altmillar is independent, reserving for his own judgment the qualifications of the man. He has educated his children well in the English branches and is a warm champion of good schools.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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