Biography of Horace Stanley

About two miles north from Steele post office is located the estate of Mr. Stanley, which he secured from the government by his homestead right, filing on the land in August, 1897. Since that time Mr. Stanley has been laboring assiduously in the good work of improving and opening his place, and he is now the owner of a fine farm, with good improvements, stock, orchards, buildings and so forth, all of which is the result of his industry and wisdom, for he came to the country in a “prairie schooner,” which was the sum total of his assets at that time.

Horace Stanley was born in Guthrie County, Iowa, on October 17, 1865, being the son of Samuel C. and Emma (Newman) Stanley, natives of Indiana, where also they were married. When Horace was four years of age the family went to Jasper County, Missouri, and later to Berry County. It was 1877 when they went to Cherokee County, Kansas, and in the spring of 1888 they migrated to San Diego County, California, where the father went to raising fruit.

In Cherokee County, Kansas, Mr. Stanley married Marv, daughter of William and Abigal (Lee) Jessup. The wedding occurred on November 22, 1887. Mr. and Mrs. Jessup were natives of Indiana and were married there. Subsequent to that event they removed to Wayne County, Iowa, where Mrs. Stanley was born on April 14, 1864. In 1866 the family went to Cherokee County, Kansas, and there her mother died in 1877, and her father passed away in 1885. 1884 Mr. Stanley had taken a trip to Yamhill County, Oregon, for the purpose of exploring the country, and in 1886 he returned to his home in Kansas. In 1889 he came with his family to where his father dwelt in California, and thence in 1890 to Yamhill County again. In 1896 he migrated from that County to Latah County and in 1897 came to his present place. He bought the right of a squatter and took a quarter section at that time.

Mr. Stanley has been active in the endeavors of building up the country and has always labored for good schools and good government. He has rendered excellent service as director and in all matters for the building of good roads and so forth he has also been zealous. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley are devout members of the Friends Church and are real exemplifications of the principles of the faith. To this worthy couple there have been born five children, Emma L., born October 7, 1889; Carl J., born October 22, 1891; Ethel A., born July 27, 1893; Howard S., born June 10, 1895; Warren N., born July 7, 1897.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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