Biography of Herman L. Tiede

A stanch and sturdy son of the Fatherland, whose labors have been bestowed with wisdom in the development and up building of this western country for a term of years, and which is now one of the industrious farmers of Nez Perces County, the subject of this sketch is deserving of special mention in the history of his County.

Herman L. Tiede was born in Prussia on Alay 10, 1841, being the son of Samuel F. and Caroline C. (Streitz) Tiede, natives of Prussia and died in 1877 and 1880, respectively. Herman was educated in his native land and learned the trade of the miller from his father. Working at this and serving in the army, he passed the time in Germany until he was twenty-four and then came to Chicago. Thence he made his way to Watertown, Wisconsin, and farmed for six years. After this he went to Hamilton County, Nebraska, and after a brief period of farming, he purchased a flouring mill in Seward County. After five years of this, he was financially on the debit side and so sold and came to Lewis County, Washington, in 1888.

In 1895 he migrated thence to Cameron, Idaho, and there was his home until 1897, when he came and secured his present place, two miles northeast from Lookout. He owns eighty acres, does a general farming business and raises some stock, having comfortable improvements.

In 1866, Mr. Tiede married Miss Louise Tesch and five children were born to this union, but in 1876 Mrs. Tiede was called away by death. In 1878, January 12, Mr. Tiede married a second time; the lady becoming his wife was Bertha Arndt. Her parents, August and Amelia (Newman) Arndt, were born in Germany and her father was a soldier in his native land and wrought also at farming and blacksmithing. Mrs. Tiede was born in Germany in 1861 and came to the United States in 1870. Mr. Tiede has two brothers and two sisters in Germany. The following named children have been born to the household, August, Sidoni, Alfred, Herman, Mary, Emil, Paul, Otto and Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. Tiede are devout members of the Lutheran Church; while in politics, Mr. Tiede is a Democrat and is a zealous advocate of good schools.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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