Biography of Hardy W. Shelburn

Hardy W. Shelburn is a prosperous general merchant at Peck, where he does a good business, and owing to his ability and careful attention to business, is steadily gaining a lucrative and increasing patronage. He is a man of good principles, manifests integrity and worth and has gained the respect and confidence of all.

Hardy W. Shelburn was born in Plover, Wisconsin, on October 18, 1866, being the son of Hardy H. and Valeria (Sutton) Shelburn, natives of Missouri, and born, November 14, 1836, and December 22, 1838, respectively. The father was a pioneer in Wisconsin and is now in partnership with his son in the store in Peck. The mother died in August, 1870.

Our subject grew up and was educated in his native place and then the family removed to Norman County. Minnesota. On the Red River Valley Journal he learned the printer’s trade and labored there for five years, being foreman when he quit. Then he went to braking on the railroad and farmed until 1889, when he came to Spokane. This was in November and soon he removed to Stevens County, near Newport. He was the second settler there and seven years were spent on a homestead, raising hay and selling wood, and then a move was made to the vicinity of Spangle. In 1899 he came to Peck. He bought an interest with E. E. Carter and one year later sold out to him. Carter then moved away and on May 24, 1901, in company with his father, he opened a general merchandise establishment. They have succeeded well and now enjoy a fine trade.

On December 14, 1895, in Stevens County, Washington, Mr. Shelburn married Miss Hester, daughter of George W. and Mary Casteel, natives of Ohio and Missouri, respectively. The father was born in 1844. Mrs. Shelburn has three sisters, Minerva Meek, Nettie Blalock and Sophia Rice. Mr. Shelburn has four sisters, Sarah Foster, Dora Marion, Kate Geaudreau, and Julia Newby. To our subject and his faithful wife there have been born four children, Ada, Harry, Ila, Muriel.

Mr. Shelburn is a member of the I. O. O. F. In politics he is associated with the Democratic Party. Mr. Shelburn has always cast his influence on the side of good government and good schools and is one of the influential and capable men of this section.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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