Biography of George W. S. White

George W. S. White, a prosperous and substantial farmer residing about three miles southeast from Ilo, where he has a fine farm, well improved was born in Greene County, Tennessee, on January 24, 1857, being the son of Enoch and Frances (Nixon) White. The father was born in Tennessee in died in 1862, being killed at Chattanooga. His father pioneer in Tennessee and was known as Uncle Robert White, the pioneer. The mother of our subject was born in Georgia, in 1821, and died in September, 1900, aged seventy-nine.

When George was five he went with his mother to Jasper County, Iowa, where her parents lived. Four years later she moved to Cherokee, Kansas, and thence in three years to Benton County. Arkansas. In 1874 she crossed the plains with teams and settled in Union County, Oregon. She had married Myrock Huntley in Kansas.

Our subject remained with his stepfather until fourteen and then started for himself. He worked out in the Grande Ronde valley for seven years and then came to Boise, in 1881. Two years in the mines and then two and a half on a farm, and then again to the Grande Ronde valley, whence he came to Sprague, Washington. He went thence to North Yakima and railroaded for a time and then operated a saw mill which was destroyed by tire, when he returned to Davenport and Sprague. Next he went to Pullman for four years and then did contract work in Spokane, after which he moved to Uniontown and resided for three years. After this, Mr. White went to Camas prairie and when the reservation opened up he took his present place, upon which he moved his family in the spring of 1896. This has been his home since and is a good farm, well handled and supports considerable stock.

On June 18, 1890, in Spokane, Mr. White married Miss Hannah, daughter of Jeremiah and Melinda (McGuire) Whitt. The father, a farmer and stockman, was born in Virginia and died from measles in the Civil war in 1864. He had been a pioneer in Harrison County, Missouri. The mother of Mrs. White was born in Tazewell County, Virginia, and died in 1866. Mrs. White was born in Harrison County. Missouri, in 1863, and has the following brothers and sisters: Frank, Narsissis Hensley, Napoleon, Mattie Woods, Ellen Crow and Jennie Simmons. Mr. White has the following brothers and sisters, Robert and John R., in Spokane; Rebecca J. McNall, in Sprague. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. White, Archie L. and Hazel V., at home.

Mr. White and his wife are members of the Church of Christ in Ilo and he holds the office of deacon. He is a man of integrity and reliability and is secure in the esteem and confidence of the people.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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