Biography of George W. Beloit

Among those whose labors have developed the reservation in Nez Perces County must be mentioned the gentleman whose name is at the head of this article. He has a nice farm and good improvements, one mile west from Summit, where the family home is now.

George W. Beloit was born in Flint City, Michigan, on July 19, 1864, being the son of Charles W. and Sarah J. (Martin) Beloit. In 1870 the family removed to Missouri, the father taking a homestead in Texas County. The parents remain there yet.

Our subject left the parental roof at the age of fifteen and worked on the farms of the state for two years. Then he went to Montana, being engaged on the stock ranches and teaming for the government. Later he purchased a team and freighted, gaining sufficient means to enable him to spend a season in the Salt Lake Seminary, which made up for the lack of educational training he was deprived of in his earlier days. Later he took a course in the Helena Business College and canvassed for a Chicago house in that section successfully for a time and then returned to Missouri to get married. Bringing his bride with him, he came to Helena and canvassed for a couple of years. Later he rented a farm and then squatted on unsurveyed land, but the excessive drought spoiled three crops and, becoming discouraged, he sold out and removed to Deerlodge, where he gained employment for three years. He dealt some in town property there.

In 1894 Mr. Beloit came with teams, via Boise valley, to the Potlatch country, where he harvested and dealt in horses, and in 1895 he filed on his present place. He raises cattle and hogs and uses the entire production of the farm to feed his stock. Mr. Beloit has been especially successful in breeding hogs. He handles the Berkshires exclusively, and has some fine premium winners and also a good many animals that are registered and eligible for registration. His success in this line has placed him in the lead in this entire section.

Politically Mr. Beloit is a Prohibitionist and has acted as delegate to the state convention. He was nominated for the legislature and was defeated, as he expected. He has two brothers, Virgil and Fred, both in Colorado, and he also has three sisters: Cora N., wife of Mr. Leslie: Carrie, wife of Elmer McClelland, of Mackey, Idaho: Clara, wife of Mr. Cray. The last named sisters are twins. Mr. Beloit’s wife was born in Washington County, Missouri, on August 16, 1863. To Mr. and Mrs. Beloit there have been born seven children, Jesse J., Heman H., Mabel Y., Wayne M., Florence N., Ray and Elden.

Mr. Beloit and his estimable wife are members of the Methodist Church.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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