Biography of George S. Hall

George S. Hall is an intelligent, capable and leading citizen of the vicinity of Gilford. He has made a good success in the affairs of life, has won many friends and has maintained a reputation unsullied and clean.

George S. Hall was born in Polk County, Oregon, on December 30, 1859, being the son of Edward C. and Margaret (Leasure) Hall. The father was born in Bureau County, Illinois, and died September 27, 1901. His father was a Kentuckian and his mother a native of Illinois. They came to Oregon with ox teams in 1846, bringing the father of our subject with them. A donation claim of one section was taken in Polk County, and Mr. Hall, Reason B., being his given name, gained title for his services in the war of 1812 and the Black Hawk war.

When Edward C. became of age, his father gave him eighty acres and he bought as much more and farmed for a number of years and then went to making wagons and blacksmithing. His wife was a native of Indiana, and now lives in Moscow, aged fifty-eight. Our subject was reared on a farm and educated in the district school and the Willamette University. Following this he worked on the farm, also spent two years running an engine in Portland. Then in 1890 he came to Moscow and for a time mined in the opal mines, but upon their giving out he bought a farm in 1893, west from Moscow, gaining title at a low figure on account of the depressed times. When the reservation opened he sold well and bought his present land, seven miles west from Gifford. He has good improvements, a tine orchard, raises flax and oats, and plenty of stock. Mr. Hall has four brothers, John E., a farmer near Moscow; Henry R. a miner at Murray; Charles C, a commercial traveler in Portland; Ralph L., farmer near our subject.

On January 30, 1895, Mr. Hall married Miss Lillian Husted, a native of Illinois, the wedding occurring in Moscow. Two children, William and Raymond, have been born to them. Mrs. Hall has two sisters; Emma; Kate, wife of J. H. Williams, at Kalispell, Montana.

Mr. Hall is a member of the M. W. A., Paradise Camp, 563: also the I. O. O. F., at Moscow. He is a Republican and a bright man, active and interested in the questions of the day and always a champion for the betterment of the country.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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