Biography of Fred Gritman

Fred Gritman has not long been in business in Lewiston, but he has manifested the ability and geniality that have already won him a good patronage and which made him many friends in other sections adjacent to Nez Perces County, where he has wrought for a long time.

He was born in Central, Menard County, Illinois, on February 22, 1861, being the son of Delos W. and Mary E. (Davis) Gritman, natives of New York, the father dying in 1894, and the mother in 1893. Our subject remained at home, attended the common schools, and labored on the farm with his father until the time of his majority and then came to Walla Walla County, Washington. Soon he went to Columbia County and started at the art of agriculture, but mostly handling cattle and sheep. He met with fair success in the business and remained at it for twenty years. Then he sold his stock, retaining his cattle, and came to Lewiston. This was the first of 1902. The change was made as Mr. Gritman was breaking down from the arduous exercise of riding horseback. In Lewiston he went into the livery business in partnership with Lee Mays, and they operate the White Front livery on Main Street, which is a first class establishment in every respect, being provided with accommodating attendants, fine stock and elegant rigs, and the proprietors are tireless in their efforts for the comfort and safety of their patrons.

On October 26, 1881, Mr. Gritman married Miss Laura B., daughter of Henry and Emily (Kincaid) Gaines, in Illinois, and to them have been born six children, Lottie, Addie, Fred S., H. Lee, Ernest, Oneta, all at home. Mr. Gaines was a farmer, born in Kentucky, and died in 1892. His wife was also a native of Kentucky, born December 12, 1832, and died on March 20, 1902, at Mason City. Illinois. Mrs. Gritman was born in Illinois on March 31, 1861; she has two brothers and two sisters, Charles, Anna Copper, James E. and Mollie Stone. Mr. Gritman has the following named brothers and sisters, Nettie Rayburn, Charles, A. D., Nellie Clark, May Rowe, Lulu Johnson and Earl.

Mr. Gritman was deputy assessor in Columbia County and has always taken active interest in political matters, both of state and County, being allied with the Republican Party.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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