Biography of Fred Dieterle

The honest industry and merit of the subject of this article have given him an unquestioned standing of influence and esteem among the people of Peck and vicinity. Mr. Dieterle owns and operates a first class blacksmith shop in Peck and is one of the substantial and worthy citizens who have manifested enterprise and energy in the up building of that progressive town.

Like so many of the most industrious and thrifty people of this country, our subject was born in Germany, on April 9, 1862. The father died in 1864. The mother was born in 1829 and died in 1897. Fred left home at the age of twelve, having completed his education in the six years previous to that time, and he went to work for the neighboring farmers.

At fifteen he began his apprenticeship in the wagon making trade. Three full years were served and at eighteen he determined to seek other and newer fields and accordingly, in 1880, he came to America. We find him next in Lafayette, Indiana, and then two years were spent in Brookston, that state, mastering the intricacies of the blacksmith’s art. In 1882 he removed to Iowa and five years were spent in traveling about and viewing the country. Then he settled in Iowa County and wrought until 1890. Again he went to Brookston, Indiana, and there handled implements extensively until 1897. At this time a move was made to Buyrus, Kansas, and in 1898 Mr. Dieterle came west and operated a shop for two years. Then he took land near Peck and opened a shop in that town. His family occupy the homestead and he is now, in partnership with J. F. Phar, conducting a first class blacksmith and wagon shop.

In 1886, in Iowa, Mr. Dieterle married Miss I. C, daughter of Isaac and Rebecca (Hostler) Merchant, natives of Ohio. Mr. Merchant was a school teacher. Mrs. Dieterle was born in Ohio, in 1868. She has five brothers, Clem, Robert, Isaac, Luther, and Frank. Mr. Dieterle has the following brothers and sisters, Bernhard, Chris, Andrew, Godford, Anna, and George. To Mr. and Mrs. Dieterle there have been born the following named children, Eva, Irene, Glen, Almon, Pierre, Lorries.

Mr. Dieterle is a member of the M. W. A. in Peck. He is also a director of the schools and labors incessantly for good schools. In addition to his business, which is prosperous, Mr. Dieterle has a fine farm, supplied with good buildings, orchard, and so forth, and this is the family home.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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