Biography of Frank Nelson

This well known young man has gained tor himself a good reputation on account of his uprightness and his careful walk while he has also gained a competence in worldly goods because of his thrift, industry and careful managing the resources placed in his hands in this rich country.

Frank Nelson was born in Marion County, Iowa, on October 27, 1870, being the son of James R. and Mary C. (Ruddell) Nelson. The father was born in Adams County. Illinois, on October 30, 1840 was a pioneer to Lewiston, coming here in 1862, later returning to Illinois for a time, and is now one of the substantial citizens of this County. The mother was born in Adams County, Illinois, in 1841 and died November 18, 1897. Our subject came with his parents to Walla Walla when he was but seven years old and there he labored on his father’s farm and attended school until they removed into Nez Perces County. The father came hither for range for his stock, in which business he made a good success. When twenty-one Frank started for himself and farming was his initial work. At the opening of the Nez Perces reservation, he refused to take land on account of the exorbitant price asked the government, it being cheaper to buy land outright. He has continued farming and mining ever since he has been doing for himself and he has some fine properties on Snake and Clearwater, they being gold and silver bearing ledges. He also has stock on those ranges.

On October 15, 1891 in Nez Perces County Mr. Nelson married Miss Florence, daughter of Emory and Rhoda Whitcomb. The father was a millwright, horn in New Hampshire in 1821 and died in November, 1898. The mother was born in Illinois on May 27, 1824, and died on August 27, 1889. Mrs. Nelson was born in Adams County, Illinois, on September 18, 1867. She came to Idaho in 1887 and she has the following named brothers and sisters: Josephine Leachman in this County: James W. also in this County: Charles E., in Lewiston. Mr. Nelson is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the K. of P. in Lewiston. Mrs. Nelson is a member of the Methodist Church.

In political matters Mr. Nelson is allied with the Republican party and always displays a commendable activity in the affairs of state. He is a warm advocate of good schools and is always in the van for their betterment. Mr. Nelson had two uncles who fought for their country in the Civil war.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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