Biography of Frank Durette

Although the subject of this sketch has not been domiciled as long as some in| Nez Perces County, still he is entitled to representation in the County history as he is one of the enterprising and substantial men of Melrose, a man of uprightness and ability and has a fine property of farm land adjoining town, which is well improved.

Frank Durette was born in the vicinity of Jersey City, New Jersey, on May 27, 1855, being the son of Anthony and Catherine (Wench) Durette. The father was a farmer, born in France, and died in 1862. The mother was born in Scotland in 1832, of Scotch Irish extraction, and now lives in Michigan.

Our subject was left at the early age of seven fatherless, and as little property was left for the support of the family he was forced to struggle for himself from earliest boyhood. He fought the battle well, and when sixteen we find him sailing on the lakes, continuing the same until he was twenty-one. Then he turned his attention to farming in Michigan in the summers and lumbering in the winters, until 1878. In that year Mr. Durette migrated to Burleigh County, Dakota, took land and made himself one of the leading farmers until 1 901. Then he sold the property there and came west, settling in Nez Perces County, and purchasing land adjoining Melrose, where the family home is now.

On March 25, 1885, in Dakota, Mr. Durette married Miss Jennie, daughter of Leonard and Fannie (Foster) Lucas. Mr. Lucas was born in England, raised in Canada, and his wife was a native of Canada. Mrs. Durette was also born in Canada, the year being 1854, and has four brothers and three sisters. Mr. Durette has four sisters. To this worthy couple there has been born one daughter, Frances, who is at home.

Mr. Durette is a member of the K. of P., while he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church. Politically he is allied with the Republicans, and is an advocate of good schools and progression.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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