Biography of Ezekiel Lucas

A public minded, progressive, upright and exemplary man, a thrifty and prosperous farmer, a good neighbor and a loyal friend, we are pleased to grant to the subject of this article a representation in his County’s history.

Ezekiel Lucas was born in Fremont County, Iowa, on April 21, 1861, being the son of John and Lucinda (Keeler) Lucas. The father was born in Ohio, in 1821, came as one of the earliest pioneers to Fremont County, Iowa, and now lives in Palouse. The mother was born in Indiana, in 1836, and died in 1899.

Ezekiel was reared and educated in his native place and remained helping his father until twenty-three. Then he farmed for himself in Woodbury County, Iowa, and in 1884 came to Washington and settled in Palouse. He took up the lumber and saw milling business, but in 1887 he returned to the east and in time went to St. Louis and there learned the machinist trade. In 1898 he determined to see Klondike and got as far as Portland, when he was led to turn aside and wrought at his trade in Seattle. He was very successful in this line, and in 1901 he came to his present place, which he purchased. He has improved the farm in fine shape, has a neat and comfortable house, a good orchard and a splendid barn, with outbuildings and all necessary utensils for the labor of the estate.

In 1891 Mr. Lucas married Miss Clara, daughter of Henry and Josephine (Elkins) Peck, natives of Virginia. The wedding occurred in St. Louis. Mr. Peck was an architect and builder. Mrs. Lucas was born in the Cherokee Nation in 1859, at Fort Gibson, and has one sister, Minnie Wardinski, living in Chicago. Mr. Lucas has brothers and sisters as/follows: Henry, Riley, Lee.. Lizzie Brown. Clara Boatman, Ruth Smith and Samantha Perkins. To Mr. and Mrs. Lucas two children have come to gladden their home, Arthur and Lottie. Mr. Lucas is a Democrat and is of sufficient independence to vote for the man and not to be tied to party tenets regardless of his own opinion.

He has always been an advocate of good schools and is doing much for the betterment of educational facilities, while also he labors hard for general improvement and advancement.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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