Biography of Edward E. Watts M.D.

Edward E. Watts, M. D., is one of the leading professional men of Nez Perces County. Naturally endowed with the talent and ability requisite for the medical profession and in this profession it must be understood that an enlightened public require integrity, talent, skill, erudition and thoroughness in keeping abreast of the rapidly advancing science of medicine, being naturally endowed, we remark, in a generous manner and aided by a careful and thorough course in general and technical education, also skilled by a long and thorough practice, Dr. Watts is eminently fitted to handle the large and ever increasing practice that his skill and worth are daily bringing him.

Edward E. Watts was born in Columbia City, Louisa County, Iowa, on February 22, 1854, being the son of John M. and Sarah (Gunn) Watts, natives of Ohio and of Scotch extraction. The father was a pioneer of the territory of Iowa from Indiana and was a faithful preacher for the Christian Church for twenty-five years, and also did farming.

When Edward was eleven his parents both died and he was thus early left to try the hardships of a cold world. He worked for farmers and gained schooling in the winters and his industry is manifest in that he joined the ranks of the educators when he was but seventeen, and for five years he taught, studied medicine and perfected himself in higher education. In 1875, by dint of hard labor and careful study he had been enabled to pay his own way through the American University at Philadelphia and with credit to himself he graduated there in that year. The next year he located in Unionville. Missouri, and for five years he enjoyed a good practice. Then he located at Bigelow. Kansas, and for seven years he practiced there.

It was 1888 that he came to Juliaetta and in 1891 Dr. Watts determined to enjoy and bring to the west the results of a thorough post graduate course and accordingly he spent one year in the Eclectic Medical Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, receiving additional diplomas from that institution, which is the very father of eclecticism in the entire world. After this excellent course, in which as in other investigations and training the Doctor had paid especial attention to surgery, he came to Southwick, Idaho, and established himself there. In April 1901, discerning the excellent location of Gifford, he came hither and has since his coming enjoyed an exceptionally good practice, his skill and success haying already preceded him hither.

Dr. Watts has two brothers and two sisters: James M., Edwin O., Elizabeth M., widow of David Griffiths; Mary A., wife of James M. Osborne. James lives in Pullman and the others live in Kansas and Iowa.

Dr. Watts takes the proper interest in politics and is allied with the Democratic Party and has been a delegate to nearly all the County conventions. He is examining physician for the W. of W.

Dr. Watts was married and has three children: Victor, in Kansas; Charles E. and William A., at Southwick, Idaho. His brothers James M. and Jonathan W., were in the Union army under Sherman. Jonathan was killed in Georgia while he was assisting to build breastworks. They were both privates. Dr. Watts has hosts of friends wherever he is known and is a man of sterling worth and commanding ability.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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