Biography of Earl E. Fairley

Our subject is one of the younger men whose energy and stirring qualities have added life to the business development of Nez Perces reservation country and at the present time he is operating successfully the only livery and feed stable in Peck. He is industrious, enterprising and capable, and stands first class with all the community.

Earl E. Fairley was born in Cherokee County, Kansas, on January 7, 1880, being the son of Edward H. and Martha (Sailing) Fairley, natives of Iowa and born in 1848 and 1850, respectively. The father was a pioneer in Douglas County, Washington, also in the reservation section of Nez Perces County, while his parents were pioneers in Iowa. Our subject went with the family from Kansas in 1884, to California, thence to Oregon, and finally they settled in Douglas County, Washington, where the father took up stock raising. There Earl grew to young manhood and received his educational training.

When the reservation opened, the father came hither and took land, the relinquishment of which he purchased, adjoining the town of Peck. Earl worked with his father until 1899, when he opened his present business in Peck, a first class livery and feed barn. Since that time he has devoted his talent and energy to building up his business and has gained a fine patronage.

On May 21, 1902, Mr. Fairley married Miss Helen A. Parks, her father, Miles Parks, being a saw mill man of the Potlatch country. Mrs. Fairley was born in Canada in 1880 and has three brothers and one sister, Ford and Monroe, in the Potlatch country, Florence and Raymond at home. Mr. Fairley has one brother, Oliver, living in Peck.

Mr. Fairley is a member of the M. W. A., Peck Camp, No. 7144. In political matters he is allied with the Democrats and is constable of this precinct. Mr. Fairley is a man of promise and has already gained a very enviable prestige. Mrs. Fairley is a teacher of standing and also is considerably interested in writing, having written a number of meritorious articles.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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