Engaged in the occupation of handling a farm, the genial gentleman and capable business man of whom we now have the pleasure of speaking is working out a good success and is one of the influential and reliable men of good standing in his section of the County.
Daniel M. Wing was born in Vassalboro, Maine, on March 13, 1859, being the son of Henry C. and Julia A. (Pettingale) Wing, natives of Maine. The father was born in 1842 and died in 1894, was a man of popularity and held numerous County offices, as sheriff, assessor and so forth. The mother was born in 1838 and died in 1897. The whole family removed to Farmington, Dakota County, Minnesota, in 1861 and the father acted as station agent for a number of years. Then he opened a foundry business and later was in public office in the County for years. Daniel M. grew to manhood there and was educated in the public schools. He operated a boot and shoe store for his father and then superintended a farm for his father. In 1884, they all moved to Minneapolis and opened a grocery store. Later, we see our subject engaged in street railway business and then he was with the Northern Pacific Express Company.
In 1891 he came to Butte, Montana, and for seven years he wrought in the concentrating mill of W. A. Clark. On March 22, 1899, Mr. Wing came to the reservation and took his present place near Peck. He devoted himself to its improvement, putting out orchard, erecting buildings, and so forth, while he also clerked in a store in Peck.
In August, 1885, Mr. Wing married Miss Nettie Lakin, the wedding occurring in Farmington, Minnesota, and to this happy marriage there have been born two children, Ruth, aged fifteen, and Freddie, aged five. Mrs. Wing was born in New York, in 1862. She finished her education in the state normal and then taught school for some time. She has two sisters and one brother; Frankie Berlin, Decker, and Carrie Pratt. Mr. Wing has one brother and one sister, Harry and Pearl Kinney. Mr. Wing is a member of the W. W. and Mrs. Wing of the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Wing is active in political matters and reserves the right to vote for the man he chooses regardless of party tenets. He is an enthusiastic supporter of good schools and labors with wisdom for that end.
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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903