Biography of Cyrus Norton

Cyrus Norton lives about four miles southwest from Morrow and has a good place which he secured by homestead right in 1893. He raises diversified crops and handles stock. He comes from one of the early colonial families and his great grandfather was an officer in the Revolution, serving with the Green Mountain boys. They came from English ancestry and were men of patriotism and strength of character.

Cyrus Norton was born in Pike County, Illinois, on September 6, 1849, being the son of Thomas H. and Emaline (Davis) Norton. The father was born in Vermont, January 8, 1819, and died in November, 1901. The mother of our subject was born in Detroit County, Illinois, and died in 1897. In 1852 the parents came across the plains with ox teams, consuming six months in the trip. They settled in Marion County and our subject grew to manhood in that section. He had only a few months at school but so well did he improve the opportunity and odd moments afterward that he gained a good education.

He remained at home most of the time until he was twenty-five and then worked for a time in the iron mines in Oswego, Oregon. After this he ranched in Marion County until 1883. then moved to Whitman County, Washington, and farmed until 1893, the year in which he came to his present place, which is well improved, has comfortable buildings and besides which Mr. Norton has an interest in the old homestead in Oregon.

On December 27, 1877, Mr. Norton married Miss Mary A., daughter of Christopher and Harriett (Farley) Strohm. The father was born in Switzerland and came to the United States when a child and was a soldier in the Mexican war. The mother was born in Missouri. Mrs. Norton was born in Missouri, on September 12, 1857, and was educated in the common schools. She has six brothers: David F., Peter P., Cornelius F., Christopher, William L., George T. Mr. Norton has the following named brothers and sisters: John, Lafayette W., William S.. Samuel. Claude, Alice A., all in Marion County, Oregon. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Norton: Alphia A., Elsie D. Green, Cora B., Myrtle, and Hattie E. Mrs. Norton and her daughters are members of the Christian Church. He has served as deputy County clerk in Marion County and also in other offices.

Mr. Norton is a lifelong Democrat of the Jeffersonian stripe. He is an active laborer for good schools and believes in the best that can be had. In 1870-71 he traveled extensively in eastern Oregon and in Idaho and was at Pendleton when it consisted of one store.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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