Biography of Commodore B. Nelson

Nez Perces County does not come one whit behind in the excellency of her mechanics as she does not in any other line. One to be mentioned especially in this number of worthy workers is named at the head of this page. Mr. Nelson is well known and highly esteemed and is now operating one of the leading blacksmith shops in the town of Lewiston. Being a natural mechanic, he has added to this a wealth of skill and experience that make him one of the leaders in his line, and he is doing a fine business.

C. B. Nelson was born in Adams County, Illinois, on September 3, 1868, being the son of James R. and Mary C. (Ruddell) Nelson. When a child, his parents came to Marion County, Iowa, and in the fall of 1876, he came with them, via San Francisco, to Walla Walla, where the father entered government land and farmed until January, 1880. Then a move was made to the vicinity of Lewiston. Commodore remained with his parents and received his education in these various places.

On September 2, 1888, Mr. Nelson married Miss Melissa, daughter of John and Barbara (Shoup) Tripp. Mrs. Nelson was born in Adams County, Illinois, on July 13,1868 and came to Nez Perces County the April before she was married. Subsequent to their marriage they removed to Lincoln County and there farmed for a short time, after which they returned to Nez Perces County, then in 1890 went to Rathdrum and Mr. Nelson took up the logging business until 1895. The following year he returned to Lewiston and opened a blacksmith shop and since that time has devoted himself to this important industry. In the beginning of this labor Mr. Nelson was associated with Mr. Nelson, no relation, but in 1897 his partner died and he has operated the labor alone since. The shop hires one man and part of the time two men and does a fine business. Since the start, Mr. Nelson has done a thriving business and is one of the prosperous men of the town now. He has a fine modern residence of ten rooms at the corner of Second and Prospect avenues, elegantly furnished, over which Mrs. Nelson presides with refined dignity and graciousness, making it one of the very attractive homes of the city.

Mrs. Nelson has a most beautiful collection of house plants upon which she took the first premium at the interstate fair in Lewiston and her artistic ability in arranging them creates a beautiful effect. She has received a second premium also for the choicest selections of house plants.

Mr. Nelson is a member of the I. O. O. F., Lodge No. 8, in Lewiston and is also a member of the Encampment. He has been noble grand in the lodge. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, James Carl and Ruby Olive.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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