Biography of Christian J. Fike

No list of the leading agriculturists would be complete without an especial mention of the sagacious, capable, and upright gentleman, whose name appears above.

Christian J. Fike was born in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, where he was also raised and educated. When twenty-one he came to Iowa and bought land near Garrison, farming it for twelve years. Then his father came to Iowa and bought land near Waterloo, and our subject sold his estate and purchased land adjoining his father’s, which was the family home until 1897, the date of the migration to Nez Perces County.

The parents of our subject, Jacob C. and Elizabeth (Blough) Fike, were natives of Pennsylvania. The father was born in 1828 and died in April, 1902, being descended from the Pennsylvania Dutch for several generations back. The mother was born in 1827 and still lives in Iowa. She also is descended from the Dutch of Pennsylvania. Upon coming to the reservation, Mr. Fike purchased the relinquishment of a settler, which is still the family home. The land adjoins Nez Perce and lies so as to overlook the town and is one of the most valuable places on the reservation. Mr. Fike has displayed both industry and wisdom in improving and he has a splendid orchard and is a very prosperous man. Mr. Fike has the following brothers and sisters, John, a retired farmer at Waterloo, Iowa; Samuel, on the old homestead at Waterloo, Iowa, and his mother resides with him; Sarah, wife of Benjamin Lohr; Susan, wife of Henry Grady, at Waterloo; Mary, wife of Albert Blaough, a farmer near Waterloo.

On October 3, 1865, Mr. Fike married Miss Frances B., daughter of Abraham and Fanny Allison. Mr. Allison brought his family from Ohio to Stevenson County, Illinois, thence to Iowa and he is now living in Kansas. The mother is dead. Mrs. Fike was born in Miami County, Ohio, on September 8, 1846 and was educated in Illinois. She has two brothers and three sisters, David, a stock buyer in Kensett, Iowa; Henry H, a banker and prominent man at Sac City, Iowa; Susan, wife of Peter Fike, a farmer in Kansas; Mary, widow of John Moses: Martha, widow of George Thomas, living on her homestead on the reservation. Mr. and Mrs. Fike have become the parents of six children. Jacob H, born July 18, 1867, a school teacher and elder of the German Baptist Church in Indiana; Bert, born November 14, 1877 engineer in flour mill at Nez Perce; Fannie E., born January 14, 1880, wife of John McCahill, a farmer near Nez Perce: Abraham R., born July 27 , 1882, in Iowa; Franklin W., born January 17, 1885, at home; Charles C, born June 22, 1887, living with parents.

Our worthy subject and his estimable wife are devout and faithful members of the German Baptist Church and are devout supporters of the faith. Mr. Fike is allied with the Republican Party but is not forward in that realm. He is a man of keen business ability, is exemplary in his walk and is respected by all. He and his faithful wife have raised a large family of children, whom they have taught in the fear and admonition of the Lord and it is with great pleasure that we are allowed to place the record of such stanch, reliable and worthy people in the history, of our County.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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