Biography of Charles W. Little

Charles W. Little was born in Elgin, Illinois, on November 29, 1860, being the son of Edward V. and Lannie Ann (Keach) Little. The father was a cabinet maker and was born in Montreal, Canada, and the mother was born in New York.

Our subject was reared in his native place and received a common school education. He came to the coast in 1882 and for one year he was engaged with the street car company in San Francisco. He next spent two years in fishing for salmon on the Columbia river. After this he purchased a farm in Linn County. Oregon, and gave his attention to raising poultry. This was in 1884 and at that time he also married and

continued to live on the farm until 1887. In that year he removed to Lincoln County, Washington, and there took a government claim, which later he abandoned.

In 1892 Mr. Little went east and remained two years. It was 1897 that he came to his present location and is now farming a portion of the land of Mr. Butler, his brother-in-law. To Mr. and Mrs. Little there have been born three children, Jessie E., Minnie E. and Marion W.

Mr. and Mrs. Little are members of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, better known as Josephites. This organization has repudiated some of the practices of the body from which they split and they are entirely free from the practice of polygamy as sustained by Brigham Young. It is but right to say that this reorganized denomination has so far cut off all those things that were objectionable to the body politic of the country that they stand as one of the evangelical organizations of the country. Mrs. Little’s father is a priest in this church.

Mr. and Mrs. Little are respected citizens of the County and are esteemed by all who know them.

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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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