Biography of Charles R. Tiede

An old adage says that where there is a will there is a way, and it seems that this was fully exemplified in the life of our subject in his struggles to get to the reservation country. He was working on a squatter’s right at Gray’s Harbor and was practically without means and when he saw that this land was not to come into market for some time, he determined to see the reservation, and accordingly he and his father set out on foot to make the journey from that place to Nez Perces County. He sold a horse to gain money enough for the necessaries of the journey and they started. While crossing the Cascades they were lost and wandered four days without food. One month was consumed before they saw the land they sought and then on June 20, 1896. He filed on his present place, three miles southeast from Gifford. Since that time, Mr. Tiede has given himself to improvement and tilling his ranch and he is now possessed of a good holding in worldly goods. His ranch is valuable and well improved and he has made a commendable showing.

Charles R. Tiede was born in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, on March 11, 1873, being the son of Herman L. and Louisa (Youst) Tiede. The father was a native of northern Germany and came to the United States when he was twenty. Charles was the youngest of seven children and his mother died when he was a child. In 1878 he went with his father to Hamilton County, Nebraska, and in 1885 they removed to Seward County, the same state. There the father owned and operated a grist mill for five years.

On October 1, 1889, our subject came to Portland and labored as a longshoreman for a time, then went to Grays Harbor and engaged to run a planer, also settling on a piece of land. Later, he heard of the reservation country and came hither as we have described.

On March 19, 1901, Mr. Tiede married Mrs. Mary Herider, daughter of John and Marguerette Gertje, natives of Germany. They migrated to Minnesota where Mrs. Tiede was born and they now live in the Potlatch country. Mrs. Tiede had one child by her former marriage, John Herider, born May 23, 1897. To Mr. and Mrs. Tiede there has been born one child, Louisa.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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