Biography of Charles J. Sheppard

It is with pleasure that we are enabled to grant a review of the career of this substantial and industrious citizen of Nez Perces County. He was born in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, on April 21, 1872, being the son of Deastang and Louisa (McDonald) Sheppard, natives respectively of New York and Minnesota. The father enlisted in the Civil War under General McClellan and fought in the battles of Waterloo, Yorktown, Bull Run and many skirmishes. He suffered a wound in the foot from a shell, languished in Libby for a time and endured all the hardships known to the soldier’s life. At the close of the war he was honorably discharged and returned to his home, going thence to Minnesota.

In 1878 the family removed to Portland and the father went to carpentering. Then they moved to Beaverton, later to Yaquinna Bay and lived in Salem, Albany, Ashland, and other places. We next see our subject riding the range out from Prineville; he has also ridden all over Grant, Harney, Crook and Wasco counties. In 1895 he went across the country to California and three years later, having mined and prospected there, he came to Ashland, Oregon, by horse and wagon. In August, 1898, he came to Nezperce and engaged in farming.

Here on October 21, 1901, Mr. Sheppard married Mrs. Nannie Siler, widow of the late Granville Siler and daughter of Fielding and Elizabeth Fuller. Mrs. Sheppard was born in Knox County, Kentucky, and came with her parents to Rosalia in 1888. She married Mr. Siler and to them were born three children, Martha Washington, Mary Pearl and William Lloyd. Mr. Siler located his present home in 1895 and brought the family here in 1896. The farm is a fertile one, has a good six room house, orchard and other improvements and is now handled in a first class manner. Mr. Siler died on November 3, 1899. To Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard has been born one child, Thresie Marie. Mrs. Sheppard’s parents are living near her home. She and Mr. Sheppard are active members of the Christian church and are highly respected people and of excellent standing; in the community.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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