Charles C. Saunders, a farmer and stockman, whose home is one mile west from Dublin, is to be numbered with the enterprising and substantial citizens and it is with pleasure that we are enabled to grant him consideration in the volume of his County history.
Charles C. Saunders was born in Monroe County, West Virginia, on September 24, i860, being the son of Lewis W. and Julia (Harlen) Saunders, natives of West Virginia. The father was born on September 24, 1835. He served about four years in the Civil War, participating in the awful battle of Gettysburg, and also served under Grant. The mother of our subject was born in 1841 and died in 1885. The family went to Missouri when our subject was eleven and there as in his own home place he studied in the common schools.
He remained with his father until he was twenty-one and then started in the battle of life on his own resources. When twenty-five he started out west and March 12, 1886, marks the date of his landing in Lewiston. He worked for a time and then journeyed to the Okanogan country, after which he came to Uniontown and harvested. About this time he had the misfortune to break his arm which necessitated his retirement from active life for a time. In November, 1888, we see him in Spokane, working for Meade & Company, wholesale butchers. Two years here and then he butchered in Uniontown after which he served fourteen months for the Great Northern in this capacity. Next, Mr. Saunders opened a meat market in Spokane, called the Union market and as partner he took F. L. Sampson. After four years in this business he sold out and went to buying and shipping stock.
On June 1, 1898, he came to the reservation country and secured his present place. This was raw prairie and he has devoted himself to improving it and also continues to buy and ship stock. He raises fine grades of cattle and hogs. Mr. Saunders is a Democrat and interested in the campaigns. He has the following brothers and sisters, Jennie L., Mamie Hayes, Lewis A., Cass, Ross, Earl.
Mr. Saunders is one of the jolly bachelors of the reservation country and is also one of the esteemed and substantial men of this section.
Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903