Biography of Charles A. Wann

Among the quota of Mohler’s successful business men we must needs mention the estimable gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, as he is conducting a general merchandise establishment there which his skill, good ability, and geniality have made a success in every sense of the word, and at the present time, his patronage is rapidly increasing.

Charles A. Wann was born in Missouri, on January 22, 1871, being the son of James H. and Sarah F. (Neil) Wann, mention of whom is made in this work elsewhere. Until ten our subject was at the native place in Missouri, and then came with the family to Pataha City, Garfield County. Washington, and there and in Dayton he received the completion of his education. At seventeen he started in life for himself. Two years were spent in the store of Weiler & Wax, which his father managed at Cottonwood, Idaho.

At nineteen he went east with a band of horses, consuming even months in the trip. Returning to Cottonwood he embarked in the sheep and horse business with his father, which engaged their attention until 1897. Then Charles spent one year mining and railroading. Then a time was spent as bookkeeper of E. T. Brandon’s general merchandise establishment at Culdesac. It was 1900 that Mr. Wann opened a small tore at a post office named Howard, near where Mohler is now situated. When Mohler was started, he removed to his present location and as the business has built up, he has increased his stock and is now one of the leading merchants of this part of the reservation.

On April 22, 1803, Mr. Wann married Miss Hattie, daughter of William J. Wilburn, a native of Missouri. Mrs. Wann was born in California. Mr. Wann has three brothers, William D., residing at Spalding; Loren B., with J. G. Wright, at Culdesac; Norman J., residing with parents. Mr. Wann associated himself with George S. Martin in his merchandising efforts and together these gentlemen conduct their rapidly increasing business. Mr. Wann is a member of the I. O. O. F., Mohler Lodge, No. 60, of the Mohler Encampment, No. 20, being scribe; of the Mohler Camp, No. 612. W. W., being past consul; while he and his wife belong to the Jewel Lodge of Rebekahs, and the Mohler Circle of the W. W. Mrs. Wann is treasurer of the Rebekahs and past guardian of the later.

Mr. Wann is a Democrat in political ideas; he is a familiar figure in the conventions and is a very successful and powerful personage in these affairs, although he has never pressed for personal preferment. He served as deputy assessor in Idaho County in 1892. Mr. Wann is a popular man and stands well among all who know him. He is managing his business with commendable wisdom, and is doing his part for substantial up building and progress of the county.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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