Biography of Charles A. Markwell

This young man is one of the substantial property owners of the reservation portion of our County and he is also one of the vanguards of progress and development, having a fine farm in the vicinity of Nez Perce, while also he has great interests in the mining regions of the Coeur d’Alenes.

Charles A. Markwell was born in Missouri on September 20, 1 871, being the son of Sylvester and Esther (Stevens) Markwell. The father was born in Indiana, on May 29, 1840, and his parents were born in Missouri. He is a mining man and raiser of stock. The mother of our subject was born in the vicinity of Bangor, Maine; her father was a native of England and her mother of Scotland. When an infant, our subject was taken to Nevada with his parents and there was educated in the graded schools, also attending school some in Healdsburg, California. He labored with his father until twenty-one, when they all came to Wallace, Idaho, where he and his father went into the dairy business. This he conducted until 1901, and then sold out to his brothers. In 1898 Mr. Markwell filed on his present claim, purchasing a relinquishment. He has given attention to the cultivation and improvement of this farm since that time and it is one of the valuable places in this vicinity. Mr. Markwell also owns stock in the famous Hercules mine,in Burke, fir which property one million five hundred thousand dollars were recently refused. He also owns three dwellings and a business building in Burke, which he rents. Then he has a one third interest with his father and brothers in a fruit ranch and stock farm two miles from Wallace. Mr. Markwell has three brothers and two sisters, J. Fred, a dairyman near Wallace; Frank P., a partner in this dairy: Jess E.. in Wallace; Effie F.; Emma, wife of Thomas J. Hardwick, a vegetable farmer near Wallace. Mr. Markwell’s father was in the Civil war and after considerable sickness he was discharged.

Mr. Markwell is a thorough business man and has operated with display of great wisdom and keen foresight in his ventures, success having crowned him each time. He is of excellent standing and has the good will and esteem of all who may have the pleasure of his acquaintance, being an affable and pleasant companion and a loyal friend.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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