Biography of Bryant M. Crews

Bryant M. Crews, one of the stockmen and pioneers of the Mason prairie country, is deserving of mention in the work which chronicles the history of Nez Perces County, and with pleasure we grant him such. He was born in Montgomery, Virginia, on April 11, 1857, being directly descended from the early settlers of the new continent, as his great grandfather came hither in the Mayflower. The parents of our subject, James P. and Mary I. (Gardner) Crews, were natives of Appomattox and Campbell Counties, Virginia, respectively. The father was born April 22, 1832, and died in 1882. He was quartermaster during the Civil War and left Virginia in 1869, being a pioneer in Phelps County, Missouri. Besides the subject of this article, they had the following named children: Emma E., Elonzar P., Emma J., Rosa, James H.

Our subject was educated in the common schools and remained with his parents until twenty. He went to Nebraska in 1886, commuted on a homestead and sold and came to Coos County, Oregon, in 1888. He bought land there and farmed three years and then came to Cowlitz County, Washington. One year was spent in railroading there and he made his way then to southern Idaho and two years later we see him in Whitman County. Later he was in the big bend country handling a band of cattle but returned again to Whitman County, whence he came to Nez Perces County and took his present place, about six miles west from Forest. He has a meadow of fifty acres and has improved the place with buildings necessary and other accessories. Mr, Crews has thirty head of cattle and is doing excellent work in handling his stock.

Mr. Crews married Miss Delilah, daughter of Jesse and Eliza Shepard. Mrs. Crews was born January 16, 1859, in Wells County, Indiana. Seven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Crews, Wallia, A. MacIntyre, Leroy, Ethel, Dollie Ann, Thomas A., Myrtle L., and Alberta. Mr. Crews is a member of the M. W. A. and in political alliances he is associated with the Democrats. He is highly esteemed among those who know him and is a substantial and good man.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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