Biography of Benjamin Dill

Benjamin & John Dill, who compose the firm of Dill Brothers, operating a prosperous and popular meat market in Lewiston, are well known and thorough business men and are among the leaders, being of excellent standing both in the social and business world.

Benjamin Dill was born in 1860 in Ireland. He came to this country with his mother a year after his father and brother at the age of 18years.

The parents are John and Anne (Forrest) Dill, natives of Cork Ireland. The father came to the United States in 1877, took a homestead in Asotin County, being one of the few first settlers who dared to face the Indians and settle. During the war of 1877, he remained on his ranch. A facetious scout put war paint and arrows on Mr. Dill’s door in his absence, but he broke the arrows and showed his defiance. He died in 1884. The mother now dwells with her sons.

As soon as Benjamin came here he at once went to work for the Clendening and Dubuc meat market, known as the old Boss market, and there he remained for twelve years, or until 1897. Then came a trip to Europe and upon his return he took the Klondyke fever seriously and the only cure seemed to be a trip to that section. He went, wrought in the mines faithfully and came away with fifty thousand dollars worth of fine experience but with no augmentation as to his finances. Returning to Lewiston, he bought his present place of business and settled down to it. His tact, his affability and his thorough knowledge of the business soon brought him a large patronage and he took in his brother, John, as partner.

Benjamin is not so active in political matters, but is always in favor of the best men and sound principles. He is an experienced business man, of excellent capabilities, are favored with a thriving patronage and stands among the most prosperous and leading business men of the city.

Benjamin Dill is a thirty-second degree Mason and has taken all the degrees in’ the I. O. O. F. They own property outside of their meat business.

The other children of the family are mentioned as follows, Mary Dubuc, in Lewiston; Maggie Dunn, in Portland: Sallie Campbell, Asotin, Washington; Bryan, in San Francisco; Daniel J., on the coast.

It is of note that Judge D. J. Murphy, who tried the famous Durant murder case, is a cousin of our subject’s father. Now Judge Murphy is one of the prominent men of the Pacific coast.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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