The grand old motto, “What is worth doing is worth doing well.” has been exemplified in the career of the subject of this article and it is with pleasure that we are privileged to put in the abiding chronicles of his County an epitome of the same, since also he has done much for the advancement of the County’s interests and has conducted himself in a commendatory manner here.
August Larson was born in Sweden on June 30, 1861, being the son of August and Carolina (Blomchrist) Larson. The father was a native of Sweden, farmed there and is still living, although born in 1828. The mother was born in 1833 and is still living. August attended school and worked on the farm until 1879, when he bade farewell to home, severed family ties and came to America. Landing in New York, he went thence to Chicago and worked on the Douglas pike for a year and then went to Iowa, where he farmed for ten years. He did well and accumulated a good property and in 1890 he decided to come west. On May 31st of that year, he landed in Nez Perces County and took up a preemption in Tammany hollow. He improved and tilled it until 1899, then sold and bought his present place, twelve miles southeast from Lewiston. He has a good estate, well improved, a good band of cattle on Salmon creek and other property. He has been prospered in his labors on account of his industry, his wise management and his keen foresight in business matters.
In 1885 Mr. Larson married Miss Walker, who was born in Scotland in 1865 and came to America when sixteen years of age. To them have been born six children: Albert, August, Fred, George, Bob and Grace. Mr. Larson has brothers and sisters named as follows: Axtel, Oscar, Amel, deceased, Emma, Alma, deceased. The living ones are in Sweden.
Mr. Larson is affiliated with the Masonic order and with the M. W. A. He is road supervisor and has been for seven years. He has also been a member of the school board. In political matters, he is a Democrat and an influential factor in this realm. Mr. Larson is a warm advocate of good government, good schools, good roads, and good Churches, and for all these worthy matters he labors faithfully.
Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903