Biography of Andrew E. Robbins

Andrew E. Robbins is one of the industrious raid stirring men of Nez Perces County and by his skill in handling the resources of the country and by his thrift he has accumulated a good holding in this world’s goods in the years in which he has domiciled here. He was born in Overton County, Tennessee, in 1863, being the son of Preston and Sinda (Rucart) Robbins, both of whom died when he was small.

He was then placed with relatives and to use his expression, “I had to dig for a living” and continued in this strenuous line until grown to manhood. Being thus associated with others his education was neglected and he has had to secure training in later years. When eighteen years old he came out in the world for himself and commenced to work for wages. Then he teamed and later farmed for himself. After some time in these two occupations he came to Seattle and there teamed for some time. Next we see him in Prescott, Washington, where he farmed for four years, and then located a homestead in the Weippe country, which he relinquished back to the government later, and in 1898 he came to Leland and located one hundred and forty-four acres three miles south of this place. He devoted himself to improving and developing it and has a good place. He also handles considerable stock and in January, 1903, he came to Leland and bought the only hotel in the place and since that time he has been managing it. He made this last move for the purpose of giving his children schooling.

On November 13, 1879, Mr. Robbins married Miss Sarah, daughter of V. V. and Frankie (Ashburn) Vaughn. The wedding occurred in Overton County, Tennessee, and Mrs. Robbins is a native of the same state. Nine children have been born to this union, named as follows: Laura A., Minnie A., Emma L., Addie A., Echo H, Idaho V., Zelma F, Granville, deceased, and an infant son not named.

Mr. and Mrs. Robbins are members of the Presbyterian Church and are devout and exemplary people.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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