Biography of Alva T. McCarty

This gentleman is to be numbered with the heavy real estate owners of the County and is considered one of the substantial and capable business men. He handles his affairs with becoming wisdom, is a man of stability and integrity and respected by all.

Alva T. McCarty was born in Wayne County, Iowa, on August 5, 1870, being the son of Isaac and Rebecca (Jordan) McCarty. The father was born in Wayne County, Iowa, in 1845, and served three years and more in the Civil war. His father, Dr. McCarty, was a pioneer to Wayne County and the first sheriff of the County. The mother of our subject was born in Indiana, in 1847, and died in 1878.

Alva remained with his father until twelve and then started for the west to seek his fortune. He went to work in Whitman County and soon after went to riding the range, also engaged in the horse raising industry for himself. He continued thus until 1892, and then he farmed, but owing to the excessive rain of that year, well remembered all over, he lost his crops. From this venture he went to raising stock and in 1895 he came to the reservation and took his present farm, one mile east from Melrose. He gave much labor to opening the land and also to raising stock.

In June, 1902, he sold his stock and devoted himself to farming more extensively. Mr. McCarty now owns nearly one section of land in different parts and is also the possessor of other property. All his farms bear the marks of thrift and industry, and he is prospered because of his skill.

On December 24, 1893, at Moscow, Idaho, Mr. McCarty married Louise, daughter of James and Mary (Flower) Nifong, natives of Illinois and born in 1832 and 1833, respectively, and now living in Whitman County. Mrs. McCarty was born in California, in 1873, and was there educated in the Uniontown University. She has the following brothers and sisters: Mary E., Octova, Lizzie A., Josephine, Henry, Albert, Edward, George and Milton. Mr. McCarty has two brothers and two sisters, George, deceased; Dora, Miles, Ina. The children born to our subject and his faithful wife are Ina J., deceased: Walter T., Harry L., and Blanche L., the last three at home.

Mr. McCarty is a member of the W. W. and in the political arena is a Republican and a familiar and influential figure at the conventions. Mr. McCarty gives time and energy to the advocacy of good schools. We wish also to mention that his farm, with the home place, is beautified with a fine eight room structure of modern design, and also has a commodious barn and outbuildings to match.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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