Biography of Alexander McCutchen

This genial and pleasant gentleman is one of the successful farmers in the vicinity of Melrose, his ranch joining the town on the east. Mr. McCutchen is a man of excellent qualities of intrinsic worth, as integrity, industry and uprightness, and is secure in the esteem and confidence of his associates.

Alexander McCutchen was born in Floyd County, Indiana, on October 12, 1852, being the son of Alexander and Mary (Johnston) McCutchen. The father was also born in Indiana and his father, Samuel J. McCutchen, was a pioneer of Indiana, from his native state, Kentucky, and was one of the stanch members of the Christian Church in early days. The mother of our subject was born in Indiana, in 1821, and died in 1880. Her parents were natives of Pennsylvania and were pioneers to Indiana.

Alexander grew up on the farm, attended school in the winter and assisted his father in the work until he was twenty-two, when he came to Macoupin County, Illinois, where he remained for six years, being employed by J. F. Roach, one of the largest shippers and feeders in Illinois. Mr. McCutchen became expert in this art and is considered one of the first men in this line in the County. From Illinois he came to Portland and then made his way to the vicinity of Walla Walla, where he farmed for sixteen years, having arrived there in 1882. During this time Mr. McCutchen prospered, owing to his industry and wise management. He states that in many cases he has headed field after field of wheat that averaged fifty bushels to the acre. He became one of the best header drivers in the country and doubtless takes the lead in this important industry in Nez Perces County. In 1898 Mr. McCutchen purchased his present ranch and has devoted himself to its improvement since. He raises many hogs and has his farm fenced hog tight so that he can feed them from the field.

Mr. McCutchen is now planning to erect a commodious barn and fine residence and is one of the leading and progressive men of the County. September 30, of the year mentioned, was the date of his settlement and much has been done since by his thrift and labor. Mr. McCutchen has the following brothers and sisters: Jacob M., William M., George W. and John B., deceased.

Mr. McCutchen is a Bryan man and always interested in political matters. As yet, our subject has not elected to desert the ranks of bachelordom, but is enjoying the choice pleasures of a life of celibacy.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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