Biography of Alexander H. Vaver

Alexander H. Vaver is a capable and experienced man in the manufacture of all kinds of timber products and at the present time is in charge of a fine sawmill plant at Melrose, of which he is part owner. It is one of the finest plants in the County and is doing a good business in the development of the country.

Alexander H. Vaver was born in Chippewa County, Wisconsin, on January 5, 1867, being the son of Alexander and Betsy (Dixson) Vaver, natives of Canada and born in 1828 and 1842, respectively. The father died in 1900, having been a pioneer in Wisconsin before the day of railroads there and a successful operator of sawmills. The mother died in 1900; her father was a trader of the Hudson Bay Company and pioneered all through the west and northwest. He was of Scotch lineage.

Our subject grew to manhood in Wisconsin and learned from the beginning the sawmill business and the handling of timber and its products. There he wrought in this field until 1897, when he repaired to Minnesota, settling at Crookston for two years. Next we find him in Great Falls, Montana, with the Butte Commercial Company. A year later he returned to Wisconsin and then again came west, settling in Lewiston. He operated for the Small Emory Sawmill Company for two years and the M. A. Snyder Company was formed, of which Mr. Vaver is one of the members. The mill was put up at Melrose and Mr. Vaver has been handling it since.

In Wisconsin, in the year 1892, Mr. Vaver married Miss Louise Winsenson, whose parents were natives of Denmark. She was born in Wisconsin in 1874 and has two sisters, Stina Flanders, in Wisconsin; Anna Lock, in Oregon. Mr. Winsenson was a soldier in Denmark and also served three years to defend the flag in the Civil war and received a pension for his valiant service Mr. Vaver has the following brothers and sisters: William, John, Frank and Henry, Clara, Emily Coleman and Florence. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Vaver, James.

Mr. Vaver is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Encampment and also of the M. W. A. He is a Republican and an active worker for those principles. Mrs. Vaver is a member of the Lutheran Church and her husband of the Methodist.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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