![Albert G. Wisner](https://i0.wp.com/www.idahogenealogy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/wisneralbertg-210x300.jpg?resize=210%2C300)
Albert G. Wisner is one of Nez Perces County’s leading farmers and stockmen, being a man of excellent capabilities and sterling worth, which have been duly manifested in his business achievements, his political career and in his walk as a citizen and as an upright man. He dwells about ten miles southeast from Lewiston, on a fine farm of three hundred and sixty acres of good land. This is laid under tribute to produce good wheat and barley each year, while in addition, Mr. Wisner handles about three hundred head of hogs each year. This alone would be a sufficient industry for one but also the one line in which Mr. Wisner has gained the finest success is in breeding excellent Hereford cattle. He has some specimens that would delight the eye of a stock connoisseur and of which he is justly proud. Mr. Wisner also handles a section of rented land.
It will be interesting to trace the life of such a successful man and with pleasure we append the details. Albert G. Wisner was born in Genesee County, New York, on October 31, 1851, being the son of Peter S. Wisner, who had married Miss Haner. The father was a carpenter and a native of the Empire state also, and 1880 is the year of his demise. The mother died in 1856 and thus Albert never knew the tender hand of a mother while he was growing up. The parents removed to Kent. Michigan, before the death of the mother and after that sad occurrence, the father kept the little band together until our subject was ten years of age and then they all went for themselves. However, Albert remained there and labored at different callings until he was twenty-four. He had purchased a portion of his father’s farm and in 1876 sold that and came to Douglas County, Oregon. The next year, we see him in Lewiston and there he enlisted with General Howard to fight the Indians. Then he was hired by the government to aid in the construction of roads. Next, he logged on the Clearwater and in the fall of 1879, he took a claim south of Tammany hollow. Later, he sold that property and bought the farm where he now lives. His place is embellished with a fine, modern, eight room house with plenty of closet and pantry room and exceptionally well arranged for comfort and convenience. He also has a fine, large, red barn and out buildings. Mr. Wisner deals in cattle a great deal, being an excellent judge of stock.
In April, 1882, Mr. Wisner married Miss Lillie, daughter of W. H. and Ora (Kirk) Wishard, natives of Indiana. The father was a wheelwright and died in 1894 and the mother died in 1872. Mrs. Wisner was born on September 9, 1861. Mr. Wisner has the following named brothers and sisters: Rebecca Ogden, Matilda Vanorton, Byron D., Louisa Frazee and John S., Adelia Sessions, Gustavus, Ruth Warner, Frederick. Mr. and Mrs. Wisner have one adopted child, Lauretta. In political matters, Mr. Wisner is a staunch Republican and votes the ticket straight; he often attends County conventions as delegate. He was elected County commissioner on his ticket in 1894 and with great credit to himself and advantage to the County he served his term and was renominated, but the entire party was snowed under. Mr. Wisner had three brothers, Byron, John and Gustavus, who fought for their country in the time of the dark rebellion. One entered the ranks when but fourteen years of age. Mr. Wisner is a strong advocate of good schools, has always worked for their betterment and is to be credited with much good accomplished in this line.
Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903