Biography of Abraham J. Marshall

Our subject has been a traveler in various portions of the west and has gained a vast fund of practical knowledge in various lines, while also he is well informed as to the country, and his selection of a farm in the reservation portion of Nez Perces County speaks volumes for the advantages of the County.

Abraham J. Marshall was born in Millville. Clayton County, Iowa, on July 23, 1864, being the son of Michael and Alice (Scoggy) Marshall, natives of Ohio. The father was born in 1825 and died on March 2S. t8oo. He was a carpenter and a pioneer in Clayton County, where he remained until his death. He was a popular man of the County, having been sheriff, and also was in other public positions. The mother of our subject was born in 1824 and still lives in Dakota. Her parents were also pioneers in Iowa.

Abraham attended public school until he was thirteen and then went out into life for himself. He located at Fort Pierre. Dakota, and went to work on the range, which avocation he followed for nine years. Then a year was spent in Buffalo Gap, Wyoming, and later he was occupied for six years with a stockman in Deadwood. Subsequent to that he came to Spokane and worked one year near Reardan, after which he was engaged in a brick yard in Medical Lake. In 1895 he came to Moscow and spent several years there. Then a winter was spent in Salubria valley, southern Idaho, and thence he went to Walla Walla and then returned to Moscow. In January 1901, he came to the reservation country and bought his present farm, one mile east and three miles south from Lookout. It is a valuable place and well handled and produces excellent returns.

On May 16. 1897, in Moscow, Mr. Marshall married Miss Henrietta, daughter of Stephen and Jennie (Erickson) Timmons. The father was born m Jasper County, Indiana, in 1843. He enlisted in the Civil War, in 1861, being in the Twelfth Iowa, and now lives in Nez Perces County. Mrs. Timmons was born in Minnesota. Mrs. Marshall was born in Rock County, Minnesota, on November 8, 1877 and has one brother and one sister, Henry, in this County; May, in Luverne, Minnesota. Mr. Marshall has the following named brothers and sisters: James and Charles, in Iowa; Lizzie Moore, in South Dakota: Sophia Graham, deceased: Scott. Colesburg, Iowa: Firmon, in Greeley, Iowa: Wesley, in Millville, Iowa. Mr. Marshall is a Republican and capable of defending his principles.

Mr. Marshall has considerable stock and his hogs, Berkshire and Poland China, are among the finest in the county.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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