Nez Perce County

Biography of William S. Clayton

This enterprising and well known business man of Gifford is one of the representative citizens and public minded men who have built the town of Gifford to what it is and have the energy and push and skill to make of it a prosperous and influential municipality. It is very fitting therefore that the history of Nez Perces County should grant space for the life of Mr. Clayton. He was born in Jackson County, Arkansas, on October 14, 1863, being the son of John M. and Cynthia (Damron) Clayton. The father was a Methodist minister and a chaplain in the […]

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Biography of William P. Holliday

In at least three distinct lines of endeavor has the subject of this article been a successful laborer and in them all he has demonstrated his adaptability and also his integrity and worthy manhood. William P. Holliday was born in Pike County, Missouri, on August 4, 1833, being the son of Dr. George R. and Sarah T. ( McMahill ) Holliday, natives of Kentucky and Illinois, respectively. The father was born in 1815 and died in 1898. He went to Pike County in 1825 and was a pioneer in Monroe County, Iowa, when it was a territory. Mrs. Holliday was

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Biography of William R. Dixson

William R. Dixon, assistant postmaster at Morrow, has been connected with Uncle Sam’s mail department in one way or another for seventeen years and has always proved himself to be a trusted and capable man in these various capacities. He was born in Cedar County, Missouri, on September 10, 1850, being the son of William and Nancy (Privett) Dixon. The father was born in Indiana in 1832 and died in 1882. He was a soldier in the Civil war, being in Company C, Eighth Missouri Cavalry, under Colonel J. J. Gravley and Captain Conway. He was discharged for disability after

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Biography of William R. Gibbs

While there are some excellent stockmen and agriculturists in Nez Perces County, it is fitting that the subject of this sketch be accorded position with the leaders, for he has manifested a stirring energy, wisdom and progressiveness in his career which has been fraught with abundant success, especially in this County. William R. Gibbs was born in Wilkes County, North Carolina, on February 24, 1861, being the son of Thomas L. and Adeline (Howell) Gibbs, natives of North Carolina. The father was born in 1832, being one of triplets. He and his two brothers were so near alike that people

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William Stevenson

Biography of William Stevenson

It is with pleasure that we are enabled to give to this worthy pioneer and substantial farmer and loyal citizen of Nez Perces County, a representation in his County history, since he has labored for many years for the development of this County, has maintained an unsullied reputation, has always been a good and upright man and is highly esteemed by all today. William Stevenson was born in Prince Edward Island, on September 21, 1841, being the son of Charles and Jane (Orr) Stevenson. The father was a farmer, born in Scotland in 1802 and died in Prince Edward Island

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Biography of William M. Peden

It is gratifying indeed to see the prosperity that has attended the efforts of our subject since he settled in his present location, one mile east from Summit. He came with a saddle horse and blankets in December, 1895, and while camping on his land the snow came and covered him a foot deep. The next spring he moved his family here, but as there were no roads it was tedious work. All honor to the brave pioneers who blazed the way into these wilds and have made of them fertile and productive farms. Mr. Peden has done his share,

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Biography of William N. Whitson

Among those who have made comfortable homes and gained valuable estates n tin; reservation, we are constrained to mention Mr. Whitson, who lives about one mile north east from Fletcher, where he owns a quarter section of good land and also farms considerable more. He raises diversified crops, fine Poland China hogs, good thoroughbred Shorthorn cattle, and is a prosperous and substantial man. William N. Whitson was born in Jefferson County, Iowa, on October 10, 1862, being the son of Samuel H. and Catherine (Bivens) Whitson. The father was born in Indiana in 1814, where his parents were pioneers. In

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Biography of William O. Tumelson

It is with pleasure that we are enabled to grant consideration to this young and substantial citizen of Nez Perces County, who has displayed such commendable zeal in bringing about improvement and progress in the County. His present home is on the ranch which he took as wild land from the government, five miles west from Peck. William O. Tumelson was born in Cowley County, Kansas, on December 12, 1875, being a son of William C. and Sarah E. Tumelson, who are mentioned in another portion of this work. William lived at home until he was nineteen, gained a good

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Biography of William P. Garner

William P. Garner is one of the substantial men whose labors have aided materially in improving the reservation portion of the County of Nez Perces. He is a man of good ability and excellent standing among his neighbors and has achieved a commendable success. William P. Garner was born in Andrew County, Missouri, on November 21, 1848, being the son of Neri and Rachel (Matticks) Garner, natives of Tennessee and Virginia, respectively. The father was born in 1815 and died in 1884. He was a pioneer in Andrew County, Missouri, settling on the old Piatt purchase. The mother was born

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Biography of William M. Blair

This well known and enterprising young business man of Ilo is esteemed not only for the ability and energy displayed in his business career, but also because he is a man of integrity and withal of a genial and affable nature and possessed of sound principles. William M. Blair was born in Lee County, Iowa, on May 14, 1870, being the son of Charles F. and Elizabeth A. (Lyen) Blair. His father was a merchant, born in Cattaraugus County, New York, on August 14, 1836. He was a soldier in the Civil War, enlisting in Company B. Thirteenth Iowa Infantry,

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