At Kippen, in Nez Perces County, is located the complete saw mill and plant, for the manufacture of all kinds of building material, that belongs to the subject of this sketch. It is one of the most complete plants in the country and Mr. Erickson carries full lines of material and a large stock. He is an old sawmill man and understands the business thoroughly in all its departments and the County is to be congratulated in securing his presence in this important industry.
Mr. Erickson was born in Sweden on August 21, 1848, being the son of Erick and Breten Pearson. The father was born in that country in 1822, and has spent his life in farming and still lives there. The mother was born in 1822, and died in 1891. Erick was educated in his native land and remained there until 1868, when he bade farewell to all early environments and associates and came to the United States. He stopped six months in Galesburg, Illinois, and then went to Clay County, Dakota, and took a homestead.
He worked as engineer in a saw mill for one and one half years and did the same business in a grist mill for three years. Then he made the “trip to Portland, Oregon, and thence came to Moscow, Idaho. He operated a saw mill for a time and soon erected one of his own. This was in the vicinity of Vollmer and for twenty years he continued in this line of business there. He also operated a general merchandise establishment at the same time, and did a good business. When the reservation opened up he came to his present location, and has also done a good business here, having a fine patronage. He is assistant postmaster at Kippen.
In 1874, at Vermillion, South Dakota, Mr. Erickson married Miss Minnie Anderson, who was born in Norway in 1853 and came to the United States in 1869. Mr. Erickson has the following named brother and sister, Andrew, Annie, both in Sweden. To Mr. and Mrs. Erickson there have been born the following children, Carl, deceased; Ella, wife of Ernest Parkin, in this county; Frank E., in Nez Perces County; Minnie, Annie, Enos and Lewis, all at home.
Mr. Erickson is a member of the I. O. O. F., and of the M. W. A. and he and his wife belong to the Lutheran Church. Mr. Erickson is a Republican and is a familar figure in both the County and state conventions. He always labors for good educational facilities. Mr. Erickson is a member of the Pioneer Association of Moscow. His grandfathers were both soldiers and officers in the army in Sweden.
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Source: An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties, Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903