Biography of Charles C. Newhard

Since Mr. Newhard is one of the sturdy men who assisted to open the reservation country, has labored, since settlement here, with wisdom and enterprise, it is fitting to grant a review of his career in this volume. The ranch home of the family is one mile west from Fletcher, but Mr. Newhard devotes considerable energy to railroading and is in Genesee much of the time.

On April 15, 1873, Mr. Newhard married Miss Jennie R., daughter of Hon. Joseph L. and Virginia Meek. He lived in Puyallup, Washington, for a number of years, then moved to Vancouver, then to Spence’s Bridge, thence to Ashcroft, and later to the Okanogan country.

In July, 1896, Mr. Newhard came to his present abode and has done general farming and stock raising since. Five children have been born to this union, Courtney W., born November 1, 1877, in Puyallup: Charles C, mentioned elsewhere in this volume; Tennie O., born July 3, 1881, in Tacoma; Francis V., born December 8, 1883, in Puyallup; William H, born September 14, 1886, at Spence’s Bridge. British Columbia.

Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903

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