Many hands have labored in many different lines to bring about the prosperity and high state of development in Nez Perces County and a faithful one who has done well in this line of advancement is named at the head of this article. Mr. Erickson is postmaster at Kippen and does a general merchandise business.
Andrew J. Erickson was born in Sweden, on October 7, 1866, being the son of Erick and Martha (Johnson) Erickson. The father was a farmer, born in Sweden in 1838 and was a tax collector for the government. His father, Andrew Erickson, was a sheriff. The mother of our subject was born in Sweden in 1839 and died in 1886. Andrew J. was educated in his native land; after graduating from the high school, he took a thorough business course. He worked with his father until 1889, and then determined to start for himself in the world of business. He was also imbued with the idea of the opportunities in the new world and accordingly he came hither and settled at Troy, Idaho. He went to work in the saw mill there and soon had charge of the yards. At this he continued until 1895 when he went to Portland and worked for a couple of years. In 1897, he came to his present location, taking charge of Mr. Erickson’s saw mill. He took a claim in 1888, which he still owns. In 1899 Mr. Erickson started in the merchandise business and in 1901 he was appointed postmaster. He has done well in the merchandise business and has a fine residence besides other property.
Mr. Erickson is a member of the I. O. O. F. and of’ the M. W. A. In political matters, he is a strong Republican and his influence is felt in upholding the principles of his party in no uncertain manner. Mr. Erickson is a warm advocate of good schools and is ready to pay the tax necessary to sustain them. He has five sisters and four brothers! Mr. Erickson has never seen fit to embark on the matrimonial sea and is now enjoying the contentment and happiness of bachelor life.
Source: An Illustrated History of North Idaho: Embracing Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone counties, state of Idaho; Western Historical Publishing Company, 1903