Cemeteries are listed by name, County and Location. The name of the cemetery will provide you with a map of the location of the cemetery. You will also find that there are many cemeteries with the same name, be sure and check the county for the one you are searching for.
- Alpha to Burton Cemetery
- Cache Clawson to Cottonwood Cemetery
- Darlington to Evergreen Cemetery
- Fairview to Freedom Cemetery
- Galena Pioneer to Groveland Cemetery
- Haden to Houston Cemetery
- IOOF to Iona Cemetery
- Jackson to Klines Cemetery
- Lago to Lower Boise Cemetery
- Malad to Murray Cemetery
- Neeley to Oxford Cemetery
- Pack River to Preston Cemetery
- Raymond to Russell Cemetery
- Saint Anthony to Sweetwater Cemetery
- Tahoe to Twin Falls Cemetery
- United to Zion Cemetery
My first Scandinavian relative came west to Idaho Territory in about 1895. They settled near Lewiston/Clarkston high above the Snake River.
Grandmothers parents, I was told had immigrated from Sweden to the Ortonville, Minn. area and then moved out west to the Lewiston/Clarkston
Idaho area. Any connection to your Idaho story people????