Nez Perce County, Idaho Biographies

illustrated history of northern idahoThe following biographies are from An Illustrated History of Northern Idaho, this includes Nez Perce, Idaho, Latah, Kootenai and Shoshone Counties.  Biographies can contain a great amount of information on your ancestor.  In years past when these books were written many of the many of the people who contributed family history, they paid to have there information included.  Because of these fees sometimes many people were not included. In using this information, please don’t except it as factual, check it out!!

3 thoughts on “Nez Perce County, Idaho Biographies”

  1. I am trying to locate the plat of land that my ancestor homesteaded in 1886 in Nez Perce County. The information I have is that it was the sw1/4 ne1/4 se1/4 nw1/4 sec 5 tp 34 nr4w. I don’t know what this means or how to even locate where it is.
    I know that one member of the family died in 1887 on this property and it was referred to as American Ridge. I would like to know if there is perhaps a family cemetery on the property. I do know that my ancestor was a Doctor, his name was Dr. John Milton Herbert. If anyone can provide me with the location of these coordinates and any further help or information I would appreciate it. Thanks!

    • Hi Karen,
      American Ridge is North of Juliaetta, ID. The coordinates you provided do not match that area. They are southeast of Lewiston Idaho. SWNE, SENW section 5 township 34 Range 04W. American Ridge coordinates would be Township 38N Range 03W.

      Hope this helps. Website would not let me copy and paste the map.


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